Happy New Year 2015!

by | Jan 22, 2015 | News | 0 comments

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy new year from the students, staff and volunteers of Quinte SailAbility.

Even though there is snow on the ground and ice in the bay, we still think about sailing every day.  Fletch spends his time visiting service clubs and other donors to raise the funds to operate the program.  Steve is busy making plans for the operation of the school.  Several volunteers are working on a plan to build a new office (also known as “the shed”) to replace the current one.  With any luck, it will be in place for the new season.

And when does that new season start?  Monday, June 22nd, that’s when.  It’s really not that far away!

Keep thinking warm thoughts about sailing and before you know it, you’ll be on the water.



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