Mobility Cup Day 2 ….results from Steve and Bryan

by | Sep 11, 2012 | News | 1 comment

Steve went out in the am race and did very well. In his two Gold Fleet races he struggled off the start line only to claw his way back to two 4th place finishes. Great results in Day 1 for Steve. Bryan got off to a rocky start for day 1 in the Silver Fleet. He came in last place for the first race, and was unable to finish the race. Weeds were removed from the keel of the boat between races and it performed better in race 2. Race 2 he was middle of the pack placing 9th.  A BBQ was held and music played after the races. Bryan races in the am tomorrow and Steve sets sail in the aft. Competition here as usual for a Mobility cup is pretty stiff.

1 Comment

  1. Gord Devries

    Good one guys. Don’t be scared to really bang the left corners on the beat when the wind is westerly and shifty. We found that the middle is death, right side not too bad. Be patient, dig into the knock, wait for the lifts.


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