Storage shed almost finnished!

by | Apr 17, 2012 | News | 0 comments

The new Sail Shed which includes a cat flap…no mice this winter is up and ready for the interior shelving. All the materials where donated by RONA, Trenton, Coles TIM BAR MART and Vanderlaan Building Materials of Brighton. The majority of the labour came from volunteer Peter Alker, and Board members John Gower and Fletch. In total 134 man hours! Toby Developments of Brighton leant us their facilities for prefabbing the sections and a truck to transport materials.  The building will also have solar panels to provide electricity. The panels where also donated by Patrick McGillivray of the Yacht Club. This will consolidate all storage winter and summer in two locations instead of the 4 being used now. Plus we have a cat friendly building.


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